3 Ways to Better Control Your Voice

Top-Notch Vocal Performance

Voice acting is a profession that demands a lot of endurance from a fairly sensitive part of your body. The strain on your vocal cords can be pretty taxing, and more so if you don’t properly control your voice. Fortunately, your ProVoiceUSA team can help. There are a lot of ways to practice good voice control, and we thought we would highlight some of the big ones.

Breathe Well

Good voice control starts before a single sound comes out. Good voice control starts with good breath control. Fortunately, breathing comes even more naturally to us than talking, so it’s a great place to start the right habits. Learn how your body feels and moves when you breathe deeply and fully, then learn how to do breathe while keeping your upper body still.

Limber Up

Like with any kind of exercise, your body benefits greatly from some loosening up beforehand. You can stretch your voice just like you might stretch your legs before a run. There are a wealth of excellent vocal fold exercises that are good to do, beginning at least fifteen to thirty minutes before making a recording.

The Lip Trill

Lip trills are, you guessed it, a lip exercise. They help you loosen your lips for better pronunciation and also help warm up your vocal chords. The end result will be more coordinated breathing and vocal fold control.

Voice control can make all the difference between a good recording session and a great one! That’s what makes the big difference in our top quality voice work at ProVoiceUSA. Contact us today to schedule a recording session and hear how it’s done.

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